Disclaimer: I’m Italian = biased.
I was raised on olive oil. In Italy, it’s the only oil you use for cooking. You drizzle it on everything. Salads, bruschetta, pizza…
Don’t even get me started on people who use canola oil or vegetable oil. Like, no. Please, get yourself a bottle of olive oil. It’ll change your life.
Plus, it does double duty, too. If you run out of conditioner, makeup remover or moisturizer, olive oil will do the trick.
Here’s what makes olive oil one of the best oils for all your skincare needs:
What The Heck Is Olive Oil?
Olive oil is derived from pressed olives. The greenish yellow liquid is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and oleic acid, all goodies your skin loves (more on them later).
But, not all olive oil is created equal. Most olive oil out there is crap. Olive oil is often contaminated with cheaper refined olive oil, which ruins the fun for everyone. Poor olive oil doesn’t do much good to your skin. It may irritate it, too.
You want the real deal. That’s extra virgin olive oil. Yes, it’s more expensive, but it’s worth it. EVOO comes from the first pressing of the olives and has NO refined oil. This one is full of goodies and unlikely to irritate your skin.
Here’s what EVOO does for your skin:
1. Olive Oil Is An Excellent Moisturizer
Olive Oil is loaded with fatty acids like oleic, palmitic, and linoleic acids. Fatty acids are super moisturizing. They make even the driest of skin soft and smooth again.
You can use EVOO on its own or mix a few drops with your fave eye cream for an extra moisturizing boost. The only problem? EVOO is on the thicker side, so it doesn’t feel too good when you slather it all over your skin. It takes a while to sink in, too.
You’re better off adding a few drops in your fave moisturizer or buying a ready-made cream with olive oil.
Related: Dry Skin? Here’s What Your Moisturiser Should Contain
2. Olive Oil Helps Fight Premature Aging
You know what else olive oil is loaded with? Antioxidants. Just to name a few:
- Resveratrol: it fights free radicals and protects against UV-induced damaged
- Vitamin A: it reduces + prevent wrinkles, boosts collagen, treats acne and fades dark spots
- Vitamin C: it prevents wrinkles, boosts collagen and brightens the complexion
- Vitamin E: it moisturizes skin and fights free radicals
Basically, it’s a wrinkle-buster. With all these antioxidants, your skin will stay younger for longer.
Related: Common Antioxidants Used In Skincare: Which Ones Are Best?
3. Olive Oil Makes A Great Makeup Remover
Olive oil is one of my fave makeup removers. It works according to the likes attracts like principle. The oil acts like a magnet, attracting the oils in your makeup and sunscreen and then rinsing them away.
Plus, after its done its cleansing job, it stays around to moisturize your skin. That makes it one of my fave oils for the OCM (oil cleansing method).
P.S. If you use the good kind (EVOO), you shouldn’t experience breakouts.
Related: What Is The Oil Cleansing Method?
4. UVB Boosts Your Sun Protection
One more thing. Olive oil protects skin from UVB damage.
Mind you, it’s NOT an alternative to sunscreen. It can protect you from some UVB rays but most of them will still get through.
A moisturizer with olive oil can give your sunscreen that extra boost. But don’t just slather olive oil all over and then spend hours in the sun. That’ll turn you into a fried lobster.
Does Olive Oil Has Any Side Effects?
If you have super sensitive skin, olive oil can cause contact dermatitis and irritation.
For everyone else, olive oil is harmless.
What Are The Best Skincare Products With Olive Oil?
I recommend Olivella. They didn’t pay me to write this post (but I am making a small commission – we’re literally talking cents here – if you buy from the links below).
I’m giving Olivella the exclusive on olive oil because the kind of olive oil you use matters. It’s very difficult to track down what kind of olive oil a skincare company uses. Olivella uses 100% EVOO from Italy. That’s why we get along so well.
Here’s what to get:
- Olivella Virgin Olive Oil Body Cream ($12.00): Available at Walmart.
- Olivella Virgi Olive Oil Hand Cream ($14.22): Available at Walmart.
- Olivella Moisturizer Cream ($16.39): Available at Walmart.
The Bottom Line
Olive oil is awesome. Cook with it. Drizzle it on cold dishes. Slather it all over your skin. It’ll keep you younger for longer.
How do you use olive oil in your skincare routine? Share your tricks in the comments below.
Just came across your blog and love it! I am obsessed with olive oil, I keep it in the shower :]
Erica, thanks, I’m glad you like my blog.
lol, you must really love olive oil. I do too, it’s healthy and moisturizing 🙂
Olive oil also has anti-fungal property. I use it to condition my scalp and deep moisturize my hair. It makes my hair soft and look luscious.
.-= Dao´s last blog ..Belly at Large: Made in China? =-.
I use it daily for everything!
Dao, thanks for sharing it has anti-fungal properties too. Isn’t this oil great? I use it on my hair too and it makes it so soft, I agree. 🙂
Danielle, that’s good. It has so many uses and benefits, hasn’t it? 🙂
Unfortunately, olive oil is hella expensive where I live.
I use a shampoo with olive oil in it that I *love*! It makes my hair so shiny ^_^
I’m kind of afraid to use it just straight up though. I mean, I feel like it will just make me more oily! After seeing all these positive comments, though, I might just try to mix in a little with my moisturizer and see what happens…
.-= Rebecca´s last blog ..My Beauty Staples: Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer =-.
I use olive oil every day as a makeup remover and my night moisturizer! It’s inexpensive and works like a charm.
My hubby loves cooking with olive oil.
And when we were holidaying in Greece, I applied olive oil all over my body and face before ‘sunbathing’….well, I didn’t really go under the sun, just lying on the beach under the shade;) But after showering, my skin was so soft and smooth, and had more radiance!
But on a day-to-day basis, I don’t use olive oil as part of my skincare/bodycare.
.-= Vonvon´s last blog ..Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Which Is My Truest Match Of All? =-.
All Women Stalker, what a pity!
Rebecca, I understand that you’re not comfortable using oils on you skin because you’re afraid they’ll make it more oily and in most cases that’s true. But olive oil shouldn’t give you those kind of problems. If you’re worried, try using just a very small quantity at the beginning and see how it goes. I’m sure you’ll love it.
Tammy, I agree. It’s a little and cheap gem, isn’t it?
Vonvon, that’s good that your husband cooks with olive oil. That way, you not only eat delicious food but your skin and hair will indirectly benefit from it too, even if you don’t use it regularly in your beauty routine 🙂