
  • why you need to apply sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure

    Do You Really Need To Apply Sunscreen 20 Minutes Before Sun Exposure?

    Have you ever wondered why you’re always told to apply sunscreen 15/20 minutes BEFORE sun exposure? If you’re anything like me, you’ve often put it on 5 minutes before leaving the house. Aham… What can I say? Girl’s busy… But does it matter – as long as you put it on in the first place, […]

  • where to store sunscreen

    The Sunscreen Mistake You’re Probably Making

    I used to be so reckless with sunscreen. Before my mid 20s, I only used it at the beach (read: never. Going to the beach is my idea of hell – I know, weirdo). The few times I was dragged there, I would begrudgingly put sunscreen on, and then leave the bottle lying wherever. In […]

  • base tan myth debunked 02

    The Myth Of The Base Tan, Debunked!

    Should you get a base tan before you head off to your beach holiday? Rumour has it that a base tan can prevent sunburns. Plus, you’ll arrive at the beach looking like a bronzed goddess already. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING. The base tan myth is just a myth. Far from protecting you from sunburns, […]

  • how to soothe an itchy sunburn

    Why Sunburns Itch (And How To Soothe Them)

    The worst thing about sunburns? The itch. Like, it’s non-stop. You just want to scratch the whole damn thing off, but that just makes things worse. *sighs* What’s a girl to do? Why Do Surnburns Itch? An itch is a sensation that arises from an irritation. It’s your skin’s way of letting you know that […]

  • does dark skin need sunscreen

    Do Black People Need To Wear Sunscreen?

    “I don’t need sunscreen. My black skin has an inbuilt SPF.” Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you need sunscreen just like everyone else. Black skin may tolerate UV rays better, but that doesn’t mean it’s immune to its damage. Here’s what I mean: Does Black Skin Need Sunscreen? YES! It’s true […]