
  • sunburn

    How To Treat A Sunburn

    How do you treat a sunburn fast? The best thing would be not to get one at all, but that doesn’t always work out. I learned the lesson the hard way… “Gio, stay in the shade. And don’t take off your hat again!,” my mum said, as she put the damn thing on my head […]

  • cyberderm-sun-whip-sunscreens

    Most People Apply Sunscreen Wrong. Are YOU Doing It Right?

    I won’t lecture you about using sunscreen every day. I know you know it’s the best way to prevent wrinkles, dark spots, and even cancer and are using it every day. BUT, are you applying sunscreen the right way? Sunscreen ain’t like other skincare products. If you don’t apply enough product, get the application order […]

  • do you need aftersun

    The Truth About Aftersun: Do You Really Need One?

    Do you need an aftersun lotion? As a teen, an aftersun was a must in my beach bag. I had no idea what it was or what it did, but I knew I had to slather it on after a long day in the sun. It’s in the name, ya all. AFTERsun. Why else would […]

  • sunscreen and vitamin d deficiency

    Vitamin D: How To Get Your Dose Without Skipping Sunscreen

    To wear sunscreen or not to wear sunscreen? This is the question. If you don’t wear it, you’ll end up with deep wrinkles and dark spots. You’ll look older before your time. You may even get cancer. If you do wear it, you may not be getting your vitamin D fix and that can mess […]

  • cerave hydrating cleanser

    Are You Removing Sunscreen The Right Way?

    Do you really need a special cleanser to remove sunscreen? Rumour has it that only oil-based cleansers can melt those stubborn UV filters away. Does that mean you have layers of sunscreen still clogging your pores?! Do You Need An Oil-Based Cleanser To Remove Sunscreen? Good news: you don’t need an oil-based cleanser to remove […]

  • ways you're reducing the effectiveness of your sunscreen

    Are You Reducing The Effectiveness Of Your Sunscreen?

    So, you’ve finally found the perfect sunscreen, huh? It keeps you safe for hours in the sun. It’s super lightweight you can hardly believe it’s a sunscreen at all. Best of all, it doesn’t make you look like Caspar The Ghost. Girl, you’ve hit the jackpot. Don’t mess it up now with a poor application. […]