
  • adult acne

    Adult Acne: Why It Happens & How To Treat It

    Remember when you couldn’t wait to grow out of puberty so you could finally say goodbye to your acne forever? That didn’t happen. Now you’re dealing with both adult acne and wrinkles. How unfair can life get?! If it’s any consolation, you’re not alone. Adult acne is on the rise. It plagues more than 50% […]

  • Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum

    Best Anti-Aging Products For Acne-Prone Skin: What Really Works

    Wait, what?! Do I get acne, too? You knew that fine lines and wrinkles are part of getting older. But no one warned you acne could join the party, too. Turns out, you don’t get a pass just because you’re out of puberty. How do you deal with both? Acne actives can be harsh and […]

  • microneedling for acne scars

    Microneedling For Acne Scars: Does It Work?

    Does microneedling work for acne scars? This popular treatment is all the rage for boosting collagen, fighting wrinkles, and firming skin. It was only a matter of time before people starting wondering, “can it reduce acne scars, too?” Here’s what the science says (and why I’m NOT the biggest fan): What Is Microneedling? Micro-needling is […]

  • epionce purifying spot gel

    Sulfur: Good For Acne, Bad For Skin?

    Salicylic acid was my go-to for pimples for years. If you had told me one day I’d stray from it, I wouldn’t have believed you. Then ZO Skin Health Oeffects Sulfur Masque came into my life. It changed EVERYTHING. Salicylic acid does a lot to prevent pimples  but takes its sweet time to get rid of […]

  • treat acne scars

    How To Treat Acne Scars: The Complete Guide

    “Gio, what are the best skincare products to treat acne scars?” I hate this question. I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news. I know it’s devastating to get rid of acne, only to be left with raised, pitted scars all over your face. Ugh. But I can’t lie to you either and […]

  • skincare mistakes that give you hyperpigmentation

    3 Skincare Mistakes You May Be Making That Are Giving You Dark Spots

    Dark spots, sun spots, hyperpigmentation… call them however you like, they always spring out all of a sudden as if out of nowhere. Ugh. Sometimes, it’s inevitable. Hormones, injuries and simply growing older can make your skin go haywire and start pumping out more melanin than it needs. But other times… other times you may […]