Comments on: Can You Apply Sunscreen On A Baby? Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Sun, 23 Aug 2020 16:04:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: beautifulwithbrains Fri, 18 Jan 2013 16:00:09 +0000 In reply to Janessa.

Janessa, it’s great that more and more parents understand the important of sunscreen and apply it on their children too, isn’t it? Unfortunately, my parents are the same as yours. Even now, they don’t get it. Ah well, it’s their skin. *sighs*

Aww you’re very welcome. That’s exactly the reason why I started blogging and keep at it. Bless you. 🙂

By: Janessa Fri, 18 Jan 2013 03:43:11 +0000 To parents who protect their kid’s skin, bless you; you are doing one of the greatest favors for your child. My parents never applied sunscreen to me unless we were going to the beach or swimming and even then, we wouldn’t reapply. To this day, even after I lectured them on all the dangers of sun exposure, they don’t listen. Ah, well. 😮
And so I am feeling so grateful I found your blog. You made me fully aware of how important sunscreen is and what true beauty really is. I’ve also found lots of other websites I regularly read thanks to you.


By: beautifulwithbrains Wed, 16 Jan 2013 22:09:45 +0000 In reply to Nikki.

Nikki, you’re very welcome. And congratulations! 🙂

By: beautifulwithbrains Wed, 16 Jan 2013 22:08:32 +0000 In reply to Viv.

Viv, tanning oil is so bad! I’m sorry you had to find out the hard way. But it’s great that you and your family always use sunscreen. It does prevent a lot of damage. And if you have to apply sunscreen on infants, then you want it to be a physical one. The main problem is that their skin isn’t fully-developed yet, but zinc oxide is gentle and shouldn’t cause problems. It’s still better to keep them out of the shade whenever possible though.

By: Nikki Wed, 16 Jan 2013 01:54:55 +0000 Thanks for this especially I’ll be a mom soon! I appreciate all these tips for babies 😀

By: Viv Tue, 15 Jan 2013 22:16:56 +0000 I always did use sunscreen on my babies (and continue now that they are children). I must admit I probably did use zinc oxide based ones before six months – your article is interesting 🙂 They have inherited my very pale/freckled/ginger colouring, and believe me, we really HAVE to apply the SPF. It’s probably lucky in a way, as we’re never tempted to over-do the sun, as we will suffer – both seen AND unseen damage. I still remember the pain/blisters when, as a young teenager fed up with being pale, I was persuaded by a friend to try her Ambre Solaire tanning oil – no SPF, just oil. NEVER AGAIN.
