Comments on: 4 Reasons Why Making Your Own Vitamin C Serum Is NOT A Good Idea Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Sun, 23 Aug 2020 08:00:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachel Sat, 06 Jun 2020 21:45:44 +0000 In reply to Suzanne.

Suzanne- Such a well informed and detailed response. Can you confirm what you do for LAA as your final paragraph provides other elements besides this? I think we can assume you use a 3-20% Serum but what is the powder and is it applied last or first.

By: Catherine Sun, 02 Feb 2020 18:02:20 +0000 In reply to Estell.

Well I took habiscus tea 6 ounces of hot water let it soak for a bout 6 hours drained the tea through a coffee filter then added 2 tablespoons of Olive oil and a vitamin C tablet crushed mixed really well to everything was dissolved and put it on my face left it on for 10 minutes rinsed it off with warm water then put my face into a ice bath and my face felt so good skin felt so soft and I could feel it getting tight then I took 3 drops of Rosehip seed oil and rubbed in my face and my face felt so good.

By: Gio Fri, 20 Dec 2019 06:36:16 +0000 In reply to sarah.

Sarah, I wouldn’t say the powder is totally ineffective, but you have to be careful what you mix it with it. For the powder to work, the pH has to be just right. I explain this here:

Are you checking this?

By: sarah Fri, 15 Nov 2019 18:25:16 +0000 Hi Geo – interested to read this as I’ve just started sprinkling some L-ascorbic powder from The Ordinary into Rosehip Oil making a DIY serum fresh each night. I assumed that was doing something better than nothing… as prior to this I was just using the Rosehip Oil and I can’t afford a pricey serum and I liked the powder form meaning will last me a very long time as the raw ingredient and its stable as I’m mixing it each night as I go. I am mid 30s and starting to get some fine lines so thought this was an anti ageing step I could take. Do you think this just isn’t worth the effort though? Would so appreciate your opinion!

By: Gio Fri, 08 Nov 2019 11:48:26 +0000 In reply to Judy W Nolin.

Hi Judy, thank you for sharing your experience and sorry to hear chemotherapy and radiation harmed your skin this much. It’s awful! But I’m very glad you’re well, now. 🙂

Unfortunately I don’t know of any cure for this. But I agree someone should come up with one.

By: Judy W Nolin Fri, 11 Oct 2019 00:50:07 +0000 Hi, love your blog. I’m going a little off script with my question but I’m desperate. Many of your ladies may relate.
I had chemo and radiation 30 years ago. Bad idea. The older I get, the worse my skin gets….typical lol. However, I’ve spoken with many women my age that did the same.
My skin is so weak that the least little scratch turns into a blood fest. I’m extremely active with exercise and gardening.
Right now I have a huge bandage on my leg from a little scrap in the yard. Even with boots on.
My face is fine. But my entire body will bleed and the skin will scrape off. Ouch!!! Do you have any idea of how I can try to strengthen my skin? I’m thinking of a vitamin E potion to actually rub on my skin. I try to stay out of the sun..always.
I take E internally everyday 16 IU. I’ve tried every vitamin in existence but nothing strengthens my skin.
One of my legs is wrapped right now from a rip yesterday.
If someone could invent a cure for this, they would make a fortune. Warning to cancer patients….stay OUT of the sun forever. Or cover up well. Chemotherapy plus radiation is life changing and in my opinion…not always necessary.
Thanks for listening. Any ideas would be great.
