Comments on: Skin Irritation: Causes and Prevention Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Sun, 23 Aug 2020 10:27:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: beautifulwithbrains Sun, 27 Oct 2013 22:10:30 +0000 In reply to ideedee.

Ideedee, no, it isn’t. Alcohol Denat is drying and irritating.

By: ideedee Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:34:52 +0000 What of using a Toner that has 40% Alcohol Denat in it? Is it advisable to use such product?

By: beautifulwithbrains Thu, 28 Apr 2011 08:07:34 +0000 Jeni, that’s good that you try to avoid irritating ingredients. Even if they seem to work well, they can still damage the deeper layers of the skin and sadly we don’t notice that until it is too late. So prevention is the key. Hair dyes can be very irritating too and I’m sorry to hear you have problems with them. I hope it won’t get worse.

By: beautifulwithbrains Thu, 28 Apr 2011 08:03:32 +0000 In reply to Makeup Morsels.

Makeup Morsels, because even if witch hazel contains alcohol, it isn’t alcohol. It is just a technicality really. Most of the claims companies make are nonsense really. It’s appalling to know what they can get away with.

By: Jeni Thu, 28 Apr 2011 05:41:53 +0000 I try to avoid most of the things on your list (although I haven’t heard about coriander being bad, or even being in skin care products). I have a list of ingredients on my site that I try to reference before I buy new products. I rarely get any irritation from products (just acne) but I try to avoid irritating ingredients just in case. Lately I’ve been having problems with hair dye irritating me, so I’m nervous about that if the problem gets worse!

By: Makeup Morsels Thu, 28 Apr 2011 02:35:53 +0000 I’m so confused…why is it that toners which contain witch hazel label themselves as “alcohol free?”
