I had never heard of kukui oil until Connock London Kukui Oil Soothing Bath & Shower Oil came into my life.
I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed the way I shower. It cut my shower time in half, prevented burns (you need to live in the UK to understand how tricky it is to shower without burning yourself here – you can’t make this stuff up!) and made my skin so silky soft.
I’m in love.
But, this got me thinking. Is it kukui oil that makes the magic happen? Or is that just the “filler” ingredient the brand uses to tempt you to buy?
Here’s what my little investigation turned up:
What Is Kukui Oil?
Kukui oil comes from the nuts of the kukui tree, the state tree of Hawaii. Scientists call it aleurites moluccana but for everyone else it’s the candlenut tree (the Hawaiian people used to burn oil in kukui nuts to illuminate the nights).
Needless to say, the Hawaiians have used kukui oil for centuries to treat all sorts of skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, and even sunburn.
Turns out, they were onto something.
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Kukui Oil Benefits: What Does It Do For Skin?
Kukui oil has a couple of jobs in skincare:
1. Kukui Oil Is A Wonderful Moisturizer
Kukui oil is rich in polyunsaturated acids that moisturize skin and prevent water loss. That’s why it makes skin feels so silky soft to the touch – but not at all greasy.
It also explains why kukui oil is said to help with stretch marks and scars. They form when skin loses way too much water. Kukui oil seals moisture in so it can’t escape, helping to prevent and improve their appearance (but, it can’t make them go away completely!).
Related: What Really Works To Treat Stretch Marks?
2. Kukui Oil Helps Treat Eczema And Psoriasis
Rumour has it, kukui oil helps with eczema and psoriasis, too.
Sufferers claim it’s a godsend. Science is silent. I could’t find any scientific studies confirming these claims but that could mean they haven’t been done yet.
We do know something, though. Kukui oil contains plenty of omega 3, which are well-known to help reduce inflammation in the skin. Inflammation is a trigger for both conditions so this may explain the mystery.
The Bottom Line
Kukui oil is little known but very promising. It has moisturizing and inflammatory properties that leaves skin soft but not greasy.
My daughter just came back from Hawaii and she brought me kukui oil for eczema. It helps a lot, I have severe eczema and the oil helps me from looking like an alligator.
Linda, that was so sweet of her. And glad it helps. It really is an amazing oil. Thanks for sharing your experience.