Comments on: 4 Melanoma Myths Debunked! Skincare Blog | Skincare Made Easy Sun, 23 Aug 2020 16:07:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gio Tue, 19 Jan 2016 09:49:14 +0000 In reply to H.

Thank you for the links. They were the reason why your comments automatically went into my moderation queue, by the way, in case you were wondering. Spammers commonly put lots of links in comments, which is why I decided to have these comments moderated.

I agree with you that there’s a lot wrong with the pharmaceutical industry. I just emailed you a ted talk by Lissa Rankin, a doctor who agrees that we are treating the symptoms rather than the underlying causes of the illnesses. This, of course, creates a vicious circle that prevents people from fully recovering.

I believe that, so far, some diseases can only be cured with drugs. Others are treatable with natural remedies too, so it’s up to the individual to make up their mind about the therapy they want to pursue. Unfortunately, we’re not often given a choice, just prescribed a pill. I also believe that more natural approaches should be investigated in the future, but sadly there just isn’t the monetary interest to do so. But, that doesn’t mean that all drugs are bad. Sometimes, they’re the less evil.

I’m glad to hear your friend fully recovered from cancer. I heard other stories from people who beat cancer after changing their diet and going vegetarian, if not vegan. I’m not sure if this approach would work for everyone, but a healthy diet will definitely help, and it’s certainly something doctors and researchers should study more as a treatment.

By: H Tue, 19 Jan 2016 03:03:07 +0000 In reply to H.

P.S. President Regan went after alternative cancer treatment.

By: H Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:59:58 +0000 In reply to Gio.

Hmmm.. well of course the pharmaceutical industry wants to bash him. They’re all for the money. Over 100,000 people die EACH year from “approved safe” pharmaceutical drugs. You know the use of DDT being banned for use of insecticide in the 60’s? They use it in cancer drugs. I don’t get the state of America’s health system today. They think it will “cure” cancer by dumping all this crap in our bodies and radiating it. Oh! and I forgot !(sarcasm) outside of oncologist’s offices they have candy. Sugar is a root of multiple health problem, and feeds cancer cells. Like just the perfect thing to give a sick person (sarcasm). A sick person should be put on a strict diet of fruits and veggies, and should extremely try AVOID sugar, to starve the cancer cells. Fruits and veggies do have some sugar, but they are DIFFERENT types. The sugar in fruits and veggies is NOT fructose. Did you know that some of the drug companies like Bayer were around during WWII? They actually helped Hitler and his Nazis by providing the chemical gasses for the concentration camp’s gas chambers and the drugs that were used for “experiments” in the concentration camps on like pregnant women who couldn’t work. Hmm.. it’s a wonder that they weren’t forced to shut down at the Nuremberg trial after the U.S. won. The problem with how modern medicine works is they try to “mask” the problem instead of destroying the root of it. A big problem with that is even if they give you drugs,- and they may for a time get rid of what they are diagnosed with-with certain things like cancer it’s only a matter of time ’till it comes back. Besides not dealing with the root of problem, the drugs and radiation for cancer don’t just hurt the tumor. It effects the rest of the body tissue and cells and ends up destroying them. Infact, have you ever been near one of those energy power boxes that provide power to a building? They have a warning on them that says radiation causes cancer, so to keep your distance. You may say,” well that’s a big source of radiation.” Well, chemotherapy is a huge one. Did you know that even things you’d think are small sources of radiation have to have a warning on them? For example; cell phones. In the instruction pamphlet that comes with them in very teeny-weeeny print there is that warning. In Europe, there are bill boards that say cell phones cause cancer, and there and cell phone-free zones. It’s a proven fact that radiation causes cancer so why would you use it to treat cancer? It will help break down the cancer it’s being targeted at, but it will also grow other cancers. Then it’s just a circular cycle ’till the most likely outcome of death. Surgery, to try to cut out the cancer only risks spreading the cancer further, but also doesn’t address what is causing the cancer. Infact, most donations to societies (like the Pink Ribbon) that say “they are researching a cure for cancer” don’t even reach the research. Most of it is just is lining the pockets of the higher ups. One of my close friends had deadly brain cancer. The doctors said there wasn’t much more they could do and that it would take a miracle. Guess what? She seeked out alternative cancer treatment and was cured, to the shock of the oncologists! (Who by the way are the real quacks!). That was six years ago and she was cured in a matter of months with no side effects.

I’ve had a similar experience with a dermatologist. I had something called granuloma annular. They want to put you on steroids for it and other drugs (but admit nothing much helps). I followed through with a natural cure and it got rid of it. Pictures of granuloma annular:

The drug companies are out of control . They went after the famed Dr. Oz. after after he spoke truth that they didn’t want to hear because they would lose money if people listened. LOOK:

Alert: I don’t agree with everything he says but I respect him for the above.

Here’s another article to show how the FDA is out of control:

Look at these documentaries, especially those interested in alternative cancer treatment:

There’s more. But I just copied and posted a few. Here’s a link to the channel of documentaries:

By: Gio Thu, 14 Jan 2016 18:49:28 +0000 In reply to H.

H, take everything Dr Mercola says with a grain of salt. He’s a quack. Here are just two examples of why you shouldn’t trust him:

By: H Sun, 10 Jan 2016 20:11:27 +0000 In reply to Gio.

Check out this article below that I have posted a link to. It is interesting. It doesn’t really mention melanoma, but the article’s sole purpose is to give you a good idea about vitamin D and how much time in the sun we need. Doctor Mercola has other articles on sun exposure you may want to check out. This is a good article for those who would like to know how much time they need, even if they aren’t comfortable going without sunscreen the rest of the time.

Man, I have a hard time getting over that a lot of cases of melanoma happen in places that are well protected from the sun, like even your vagina!

By: Gio Sun, 10 Jan 2016 07:06:13 +0000 In reply to H.

H, I agree with you that doctors are often poorly trained and focus more on treating symptoms with drugs than prevention with good lifestyle habits. I’ll look up your thesis about melanoma being a vitamin d deficiency. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
